Women's Roles in WWII
Women played important roles in WWII, even if they weren't fighting as soldiers.
  • One of the main roles they took on were factory workers to continue building weapons, tanks, planes, etc while the men were off fighting.
  • Women and World War II provides a list of statistics pertaining to women joining the workforce. Check it out to see how much you know about women during WWII.
A campaign poster of a woman and the quote "This is my fight too" It is to advertise women working and war putting money in war bonds
  • Not only did women take over in the factories, but the farms as well. The majority of jobs had to tended to and there weren't a lot of men around.
  • They worked as naval nurses
  • Volunteered for the Red Cross
  • Assisted men from base to base and wounded soldiers in hospitals.
  • Some women actually served in the military.
  • Before working their jobs, these women were forced to say goodbye to their beloved husbands, sons, and brothers.
  • It was just as much a fight for the women as it was the men, just from different aspects.




Yello background with Rosie the Riveter saying "We Can Do It"

Rosie the Riveter was created as a campaign to encourage women to join the workforce. The picture to the left was the most well known poster of Rosie.

To read stories about women and their work experiences and feelings during the war click here

Men served in the military should be greatly honored and appreciated for that. The women often get overlooked, though, for the contribution they added to the war.

Without the women nurses we may have lost many great men. Not to mention, the economy of the U.S. would have fallen even more without the women working.

To read about the life of Kansas veterans, men or women, visit the Kansas Historical Society

Our Mother's War, American Women at Home and at the Front During World War II
by Emily Yellin, 2004

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